are transcripts from radio show interviews or press conferences The Chicks have done. Some radio shows might just include
a soundbite while others devote an hour or two to The Chicks. I transcribe them as I hear them so blame any grammatical errors
or run-on sentences on The Chicks.
It has taken a lot of time, effort and pen ink
in order to provide these transcripts. If webmasters want to use any excerpts for your website, please give this
site credit. Thank you.
I'm always looking to collect more radio shows.
If you can help, email me at the address listed below.
Please take note of this before emailing me. I have no affiliation with The Chicks and/or their website,
Court Yard Hounds and/or their website, Natalie Maines Music and/or her website, their management, publicists, record
label or anyone else they may come in contact with on a regular basis. This is just a fan owned site. I do not have an email
address for them. Your message cannot be passed on to them.