The Good Egg Easter Special is a two hour show produced
by SFX Radio Network. It features songs and interview clips from many of today's country stars. This episode includes 'Cowboy
Take Me Away' and a soundbite from Martie.
Host: Lisa Manning Airdate: Weekend April 20-23, 2000
LISA MANNING: It may seem like the Dixie Chicks were an overnight sensation but in reality they've been
performing for a long time and say they're glad it took them a while to get their record deal.
MARTIE: I think being
taken seriously as a mainstream act, because we were a bluegrass act for so long and a cowgirl act and we kept making those
trips to Nashville year after year and they'd shut the door on our face. And so I think, umm, we wanted to stay true to our
roots and were able to do that by waiting and letting them find out that we were a good thing.
Please take note of this before emailing me. I have no affiliation with The Chicks and/or their website,
Court Yard Hounds and/or their website, Natalie Maines Music and/or her website, their management, publicists, record
label or anyone else they may come in contact with on a regular basis. This is just a fan owned site. I do not have an email
address for them. Your message cannot be passed on to them.